Give your own product some added value, or more new meaning.
多给自己的产品增加些附加值, 或者多些新的内涵.
互联网Industrial added value accounted for the GDP reached 51 %.
互联网Our manufacturing companies added value to natural resources through technological know - how.
互联网Product added value is one of the factors in the commercial competition.
互联网They can be used to manufacture many products with high added - value .
它们可以用来合成许多 高附加值 的产品.
互联网We can rely on to enhance the added value?
我们能靠什么来提高附加值 呢 ?
互联网Differentiated products comes with a higher added value, avoiding peer cut - throat competition.
差异化的产品带来了更高的附加值, 也避免了同行之间的恶性竞争.
互联网The industrial added value growth rate may fall to break the record.
互联网The current practice of industrial added value is no corresponding increase.
互联网The added value of township enterprises reached 1,800 billion yuan ( US $ 216.87 billion ).
乡镇企业增加值达到18,000亿元 ( 2,168.7亿美元 ).
互联网To prettify the product to raise the added value.
互联网If no, what is the added value required to attract you?
请问如果不会, 需要哪些附加价值才吸引你去?
互联网The added value of township enterprises reached 1,800 billion yuan.
互联网The added value of jobs really varies.
互联网Second, many primary products and low added value.
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